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Soiling Measurement Product Configurator

Use this Product Configurator to identify Atonometrics products for soiling measurement that match your requirements. Select the boxes on the left side for desired features, and product configurations that match your filters will appear on the right side. Please Contact us for more information.


Do you want to measure non-uniform soiling?

Non-uniform soiling refers to soiling that concentrates towards the edge of a module. This decreases module power greater than if the soiling was evenly distributed.


How do you want to perform maintenance?

Some measurement systems require washing a reference device. Reference modules are washed manually. Reference cells may be washed manually or automatically.


Are your modules monofacial or bifacial?

For systems that measure power on in-situ modules, are your modules monofacial or bifacial?

Module-Cell Washer (Monofacial)

Module-Cell Washer (Monofacial)

Module-Cell Washer (Bifacial)

Module-Cell Washer (Bifacial)

Cell-Cell Washer

Cell-Cell Washer


Compares soiled cell irradiance data to clean cell irradiance data, and requires manual or automatic washing of a cell


Measures dust on collection window, and does not require maintenance

Module-Cell-Optical (Bifacial)

Compares soiled in-situ module IV data to soiling-corrected cell irradiance, and does not require maintenance

Module-Cell-Optical (Monofacial)

Compares soiled in-situ module IV data to soiling-corrected cell irradiance, and does not require maintenance

Module-Cell (Bifacial)

Compares soiled in-situ module IV data to clean cell irradiance, and requires manual or automatic washing of cells

Module-Cell (Monofacial)

Compares soiled in-situ module IV data to clean cell irradiance, and requires manual or automatic washing of a cell


Compares soiled in-situ module IV data to clean in-situ module IV data, and requires manual washing of a module